Amanda Walker-Pethick

Dr. Pethick loves teaching students about social-emotional learning and executive functioning skills. While you are on campus, stop by her office and take a deep breath in the relaxing environment. 
Amanda Pethick has been in social work and education for the past 19 years but has found her favorite position as the student support specialist for elementary school here at Alcuin. Dr. Pethick loves teaching students about social-emotional learning and executive functioning skills. While you are on campus, stop by her office and take a deep breath in the relaxing environment. 
After working with children with mental health difficulties for the state of Texas and then as a child abuse investigator for Child Protective Services, Dr. Pethick quickly realized that teaching was the best way to reach and help the most children. Her proudest moments have included building a one-of-a-kind inclusive special needs program at a local Jewish school and teaching many of the state’s finest children.  
Dr. Pethick is fueled by her love for the students, her own three sons, her husband, two dogs, one grouchy cat, and 43 guppies, and anything nerdy.