Kristen Balderson

Balderson enjoys traveling with her fiancé, gardening, being outdoors, and spending time with her family on their ranch in Graham.
Kristen Balderson is a physical education coach and the marketing coordinator for the Athletics Department. Having made a career change from real estate marketing to coaching in 2016, Kristen has been head coach of the volleyball, basketball, and track and field teams during her time at Alcuin. 

She graduated from Graham High School in 2005 and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism at the University of North Texas in 2009. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling with her fiancé, gardening, being outdoors, and spending time with her family on their ranch in Graham. Balderson has pinned 18 countries on her world travel map, but her favorite travel memories include visiting the Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia, watching the sunrise at Machu Picchu in Peru, and exploring the Saharan Desert on camelback in Morocco.