Peggy Larson

When Larson is not at school she can be found working at her loom, reading books or visiting her grandchildren in Indiana. 
Peggy Larson has been Head of the Early Childhood Division for 19 years. However, she wore a few different hats before that having joined Alcuin School in 1992 as an assistant in a Primary classroom. She also served as Office Manager and Director of Admission before moving into her current position. 

Larson, like many Montessorians, discovered Maria Montessori’s approach when her children were young. Both of her children “graduated” from Alcuin School’s middle school program. While she holds an AMI Primary diploma she knew her love was working with adults and helping them understand the magic and depth of the Montessori approach to education. She loves nothing better than observing young children as they grow and talking with parents. 

When Larson is not at school she can be found working at her loom, reading books or visiting her grandchildren in Indiana.